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Blimey, I Got an Award


I got this award from Pearl at Window Shopping, and I would like to thank her for that.

The rules for this award are:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself. (Which is not quite easy for me actually.)
3. Pick other 15 great bloggers you know.
4. Then contact them and tell them about the award.

Okay. Now here's a glimpse about me:
1. I'm a freelance translator and editor.
2. I'm a terrible music junkie who would discern any kind of music as long as it's good (for me).
3. I'm a comic and manga (some of them) lover.
3. My recent favorite readings are Taiko (Japanese novel), Machine of Death, and Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin (Inonesian novel).
4. I used to be in a band, Beyond Any Recognition. (You could still find us in myspace, though it's been abandoned for years.)
5. I'm a coffeehead.
6. The last time I really do sports is like 10 years ago, or maybe more.
7. I'm a Barca fan. (Sport is fun to watch, not to do.)

I still couldn't make my mind yet, to whom I shall pass this award on. So, for those who would like to leave a comment here, maybe you'll be the next to receive this award.
Hope you enjoyed it. You may share it if you like.

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