money, honey, dreamy, horny, bunny, healthy, plumpy, tricky, donkey, skinny, envy, bunny, honey, dreamy, sweetie, honey, money
cash, fresh, mass, mess, stress, press, guess, guests, gas, trash, flesh, flashed, chest, flashed, flesh, trash, gas, guests, guess, press, stress, mes, mass, fresh, cash
rich, mage, bitch, switch, plate, played, witch, bridge, mage, slayed, laid, flake, fake, fake, fake, blade, bitch, switch, played, plate, mage, bridge, bitch, switch, faith, rich
prosper, grasshopper, laughter, butcher, murder, voyager, fortune teller, rattler, viper, fiber, digital converter, picture, cradle, roller, copy maker, blue collar, white collar, actor, balder, bladder, fiber, viper, scavenger, dagger, worshiper, grasshopper, laughter, prosper
world, turd, skirt, shirt, blurred, hurt, mirth, turned, flirt, shirt, skirt, blurred, birth, flowered, bird, world
carpe diem, the sun at hand, a one for no friend, an egg of no hen, favorable golden brand, the cold-hearted gang, an enlightened priest of Zen, carpe diem
I for an eye
Eye for an I